Net Atlantic Inc. Professional Email Marketing and Email Deliverability Experts

Professional Email Marketing

Email Survey Tool

Improve campaigns with rich customer data

Our Email Survey Tool, powered by SensorPro, is an enterprise-grade online survey tool that allows marketers to generate rich customer survey data to create highly targeted email marketing campaigns. Using the Survey Tool, you can easily create fully branded surveys that capture customer preferences and satisfaction metrics.

Featuring real-time reporting and analysis, our Survey Tool allows you to quickly drill down on individual questions or respondents to better understand and meet customer needs and expectations.

A comprehensive solution, the Email Survey Tool offers you all the tools you need to manage the entire survey lifecycle, from building the initial survey questions to launching and hosting the survey on your own website. By simplifying the process of gathering and analyzing real-time data on your customers' opinions and behaviors, the Survey Tool provides you with valuable insight for optimizing your email marketing programs.

Learn More About Features & Benefits

For more information on our Email Survey Tool, contact a Net Atlantic Account Executive at (877) 263-8285.

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